Sriwijaya Accounting Community Services Sriwijaya Accounting Community Services Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomu Universitas Sriwijaya en-US Sriwijaya Accounting Community Services 2987-310X Peningkatan Akuntabilitas Desa Melalui Pendampingan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan di Desa Tamarenja <p>Financial reports are presented by both business organizations (private) with the aim of seeking profit and public organizations (non-profit) whose main goal is not profit but to serve the community. The government is a public organization that presents its financial reports as a form of accountability to the public, especially those related to financial management. The government has provided village fund assistance to all villages in Indonesia since 2015. Village funds provided by the government aim to make villages more productive and improve the welfare of village communities. The increase in the productivity of this village can be seen from its increased economic development, the number of people working and owning businesses has increased, and the quality of life has improved. One of the sources of village revenue is the central and regional financial balance funds received by the district/city which in its distribution for each village is distributed proportionally, namely at least 10% which is called the village fund allocation. In addition, the allocation of village funds will be used as a support for village autonomy activities so that they can be maximized in providing services, development, and community empowerment at the village level.</p> Muhammad Din Muhammad Ilham Pakawaru Faizal Azdar Andi Ainil Mufidah Tanra Rudy Usman Andi Mappanyukki Daud Ruranto Buntulabi Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Accounting Community Services 2024-05-13 2024-05-13 3 1 1 5 10.29259/sacs.v3i1.33 Pelatihan Akuntansi Dasar untuk Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan BUMDES di Kecamatan Sungai Kakap <p>There is quite a lot of potential in the Sungai Kakap sub-district, so it can be developed and managed through Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes). The results of previous Community Services activities provided input to the Community Services team to provide counseling and guidance regarding the accountability of BumDes in Sungai Kakap District. Accountability as BUMDes responsibility is related to the village administration and governance system, to create transparency. The aim of implementing PKM activities for the accounting study program is to help BumDes managers understand BumDes governance. Then be able to carry out simple accounting practices, help to design product marketing concepts, and strengthen the BUMDES organization. Community Services activities are scheduled in three stages. First, planning by identifying problems that arise in BUMDes management and designing actions to get solutions. Second, preparation with internal coordination of the PKM team, adjusting schedules and locations, as well as preparing materials for mentoring activities. Third, implementation by following up on activity plans and identifying possible problems in implementing Community Services. Basic accounting training for preparing BUMDes financial reports in Kakap District has implications for the preparation of BUMDES financial reports by accounting understanding and accounting standards.</p> Khristina Yunita Sari Rusmita Ira Grania Mustika Nina Febriana Dosinta Handi Brata Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Accounting Community Services 2024-06-03 2024-06-03 3 1 6 11 10.29259/sacs.v3i1.36 Pelatihan Perhitungan Aset pada Home Industri di Desa Muara Penimbung <p>Assets play an important role in organizational operations and assets are needed that can be utilized effectively and efficiently in order to support organizational performance and generate income. Considering the importance of assets, management must be proactive in understanding the existence of assets, identifying, calculating and recognizing the assets they own. Muara Penimbung Village, which is a village supported by Sriwijaya University, is familiar with songket MSMEs. The diversity of educational backgrounds and community livelihoods is one of the factors that makes songket MSMEs in Muara Penimbung Village need understanding and knowledge regarding assets</p> Sri Maryati Alieftiyani Paramita Gobel Eko Pebryan Jaya Meita Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Accounting Community Services 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 3 1 12 18 10.29259/sacs.v3i1.23 Pendampingan Administrasi Perpajakan Bagi Anggota Organisasi Sosial di Desa Muara Penimbung Ulu <p>Taxes are the main source of state income. Taxpayer compliance is the key to the success of a country's development. Tax administration management assistance is needed not only by employees, but also by members of social organizations. The aim of this assistance is to increase public awareness of orderly tax administration, especially for the people in Muara Penimbung Ulu Village.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Hidayat Sri Maryati Ery Erman Winda Kurnia Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Accounting Community Services 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 19 26 10.29259/sacs.v3i1.26 Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Intepretasi Informasi Laporan Keuangan Menggunakan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pelaporan Keuangan Berbasis Jaringan Client-Server <p>The purpose of this activity is to provide training and mentoring on interpreting financial report information using a client-server network-based financial reporting information system application at the employee cooperative of PT. Pusri. The benefit of this activity is to contribute to the development of cooperative businesses in Palembang, especially in interpreting and analyzing financial reports. The target audience of this activity includes all accounting and finance staff, as well as the management of PT. Pusri's employee cooperative in Palembang. The main output of this activity is a guide on how to interpret client-server-based financial reports, which can be used regularly and optimally by cooperative practitioners in Palembang, especially at Kopkar PT. Pusri Palembang. This activity will help cooperative practitioners understand the importance of accurate financial report interpretation for cooperatives, which is useful in showing the business results (profit/loss) to analyze the development of the business. By using a network-based web application, it will be easier and faster for MSME practitioners to create financial reports</p> Yusnaini Arista Hakiki Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Accounting Community Services 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 3 1 27 34 10.29259/sacs.v3i1.41 Peningkatan Kinerja UMKM Melalui Pelatihan Manajemen Persediaan: Sasaran UMKM Makanan dan Minuman di Kota Palembang <p style="font-weight: 400;">Inventory management for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) often faces challenges such as surplus or inadequate stock, difficulty in sourcing available products, and navigating inventory amidst fluctuating demand and supply dynamics. Hence, we initiated a community service activity aimed at bolstering the performance of food and beverage MSMEs in Palembang, South Sumatra, through comprehensive inventory management training. This activity engaged 25 MSMEs as participants. The methodology adopted comprised a combination of lectures, tutorials, discussions, and simulations. The outcomes revealed that over 70 percent of the participating MSMEs observed a notable enhancement in their comprehension of inventory management. The objective of this training is to foster better inventory management practices among MSMEs, which in the long run, will influence on factors such as cash flow management, pricing strategies, and optimal stock levels</p> Ruth Samantha Hamzah Efva Octavina Donata Gozali Anisa Listya Asfeni Nurullah Patmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Sriwijaya Accounting Community Services 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 3 1 35 47 10.29259/sacs.v3i1.24